Resource Center


What Is ERP Testing? Types, Process, Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies

Learn more about ERP testing pros and cons and, more importantly, get some best practices for its implementation.

Thinking Outside The Box: Cognitive Bias And Testing

In this blog post, Lisa Crispin explores thinking outside the box, common biases, and tips to enhance testing through creativity and collaboration.

Top 11 Software Testing YouTube Channels for 2024

Are you looking for a new way to enrich your knowledge? Read our Top Software Testing YouTube Channels list to discover professional videos from experts!

Unleash QA's Power: From Cost Center to Strategic Business Driver

Debunk common misconceptions about QA and discover how effective testing processes align with business goals. Learn key metrics for QA managers to showcase their team's value and drive business success.

13 KPIs to Impress Leadership & Drive Business Value

Transform your QA team into your organization's secret weapon. Align QA efforts with business goals and wow leadership. Get your copy now.

QA Project Management: How to Manage Multiple Projects Effectively

Explore QA project management in agile environments with strategies to streamline projects and deliver top-notch quality.

Solving the Integration Testing Puzzle with Bas Dijkstra

Bas Dijkstra
Bas Dijkstra

Common Risks in S/4HANA Migration & How to Overcome

Explore the common risks associated with an S/4HANA migration and the strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.

Functional Testing: Best Practices, Types & Examples

Functional testing ensures software performs as expected, covering test types and emphasizing crucial methodologies for user acceptance.

Unlocking Efficiency In End-to-End Testing Using AI Integration

Struggling with slow end-to-end tests? Discover how AI integration can streamline your AI E2E testing process and boost efficiency.

Optimizing Performance Testing: Unveiling the Performance Testing Pyramid with Federico Toledo

Federico Toledo
Federico Toledo

Top 5 AI-Powered Tools for Software Testing

Explore the top 5 AI tools for software testing in 2024, including their main benefits and how they can contribute to enhancing testing efficiency.

Test Case Library Health Check

Optimize Your Test Case Library: Take Our 7-Question Quiz! Evaluate and improve your test case library's organization and efficiency with our quick health check. Start now!

Test Automation Frameworks- The Complete Guide

Automated testing frameworks optimize test efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance precision. Find tools for seamless automation.

Ethical AI Testing: Fairness and Accountability in AI Systems

Check out the importance of fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI systems, and ensure ethical AI testing to ensure transparency.

Top 5 ALM Quality Center Alternatives in 2024

Discover the top tools and essential strategies for migrating from ALM Quality Center to a new test management solution in 2024.

Functional vs Non-Functional Testing

Enhance software quality through diverse testing types. Functional and non-functional testing ensure security and performance.

9 Ways to Boost Your Regression Testing

Boost your regression testing - In this article, we will consider nine proven practices that can make regression testing more effective and more efficient.

How Automatic Test Case Generation is Revolutionizing Software Testing

Explore how automatic test case generation enhances software testing, boosting efficiency and accuracy while reducing manual effort.

How to Reorganize a Massive Test Case Library That’s Gone Out of Control

Unlock efficiency in software testing! Learn to reorganize your test case library for streamlined processes and enhanced quality.

Beyond Hierarchical Structures: Agile Test Case Organization

Break free from rigid hierarchies in test management. Custom fields and dynamic filters offer flexibility for evolving project needs.

Performance Testing vs Load Testing

Performance Testing ensures software robustness, Load Testing simulates real-life workload. Improve user experience and prevent issues.

System Testing vs Integration Testing

The key distinctions between System Testing and Integration Testing in software development, optimizing functionality and user satisfaction.

Thinking Outside The Box: Cognitive Bias And Testing With Lisa Crispin

Lisa Crispin
Lisa Crispin

Understanding the Basics of Security Testing in Software Testing

Unveil the importance of security testing in software. Learn types & best practices to fortify your software against cyber threats.

Navigating Through Modern Software Testing Complexities

Modern software testing faces complexities from Agile, risk-based strategies, and automation to ensure high-quality and efficient delivery.

Taming the Chaos: How to Manage Testing in Complex & Robust Environments

Explore key strategies to manage software testing chaos in complex environments, ensuring efficient QA and high software quality.

Test Coverage Metrics: What is, Types & Examples

Learn how test coverage metrics ensure efficient software testing. Discover various types and best practices to deliver better applications.

Insights from the 2024 State of Testing Report - Roundtable Discussion


How to Create an Effective Enterprise Testing Strategy

Exploring enterprise testing: essential for large orgs to ensure high-quality, scalable software through sophisticated strategies and AI tools.

Practical Ways to Stand Out as a Leader

We will demystify leadership, explore practical growth tactics, and uncover the benefits of stepping up as a leader.

How to Test Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with PractiTest

Find out what is BDD testing and how to use Behavior Driven Development with PractiTest test management tool.

Top 8 Performance Testing Tools

Discover the top performance testing tools to help you assess the performance of your software applications. Learn how to choose the right one for your needs.

AI in QA Operations: Steps, Benefits, & Best Practices

Explore the impact of AI on the QA world, the benefits it presents, and how to effectively implement and leverage it.

Managing the Test Data Nightmare with Andrew Knight

Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight

Test Scenario vs Test Case

Explore key differences between test scenarios and test cases: their definitions, advantages, and how they streamline testing processes.

Unveiling the 2024 State of Testing

Discover the primary insights and trends in software testing as emerged in the 2024 State of Testing survey.

What is API Testing? (The Beginner’s Guide)

APIs are the primary way that modern web applications communicate and share data, to ensure reliability of APIs must be tested.

How to Build Software Test Strategy On Ongoing Projects

Discover how to enhance ongoing projects with our test strategy guide, featuring analysis tools and practical implementation tips.

How to Choose the Right Automation Testing Tool for Your Business

Let’s discuss the features to look for and factors to consider to ensure you choose the right automation testing tool for the different phases.

Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing

Alpha Testing by internal staff tests functionality; Beta Testing by users focuses on performance, improving product quality through feedback.

Black Box Vs White Box Testing

Comparing Black Box and White Box Testing: one focuses on external behavior, the other on internal code analysis.Read more here.

5 User Acceptance Testing Best Practices To Be More Productive

Streamline your UAT process today with our User Acceptance Testing Best Practices. Follow these today to improve your productivity!

Unit Test Vs Integration Test

Here you can find a comparison between unit test vs integration test. Discover the key differences and similarities.

Test Case vs Test Script

Test case vs test script, two forms of testing documentation that help testing teams in their testing process. Learn about the differences here.

The Strategic Importance of Software Regression Testing in Modern Development

Discover the crucial role of software regression testing in today's development landscape and how it can secure your competitive edge.

What is a Test Plan? The Complete Guide for Writing a Software Test Plan

A guide to creating effective test plans in software testing, emphasizing their value across all project lifecycles and testing methods.

10 Important Guidelines To Follow When Writing a Test Case

Test case specifies the work procedure, expected results and the conditions a tester needs to verify. 10 guidelines to write a good test case.

Functional Test vs. Integration Test

Two important tests that ensure proper software functionality. Learn about the benefits and differences between them.

5 Practical Ways To Stand Out as a Leader with Ajay Balamurugadas

Ajay Balamurugadas
Ajay Balamurugadas

Load Testing Vs. Stress Testing

Two types of Performance Testing have common confusion among them. Learn the differences between those two valuable tests.

How to Create a Software Test Strategy? Complete Guide With Examples

How to write software test strategy, live examples for software test strategies templates and the difference between strategic and tactical testing.

Regression Testing vs Unit Testing

Two meaningful tests contribute to the software development life cycle. Discover what the differences are between them.

Enterprise Application Testing Strategy: Challenges, Types, & Best Practices

Explore the critical role of enterprise application testing in software reliability, security & performance in large-scale business environments.

End-To-End Testing: Process, Benefits & Applications

Explore the world of end-to-end testing: its importance, methods, best practices, and role in delivering robust software solutions.

How AI Can Revolutionize Software Test Management

Dive into the impact of AI on test management. Discover real-world examples from PractiTest enhanced test management processes with AI capabilities.

5 Best Practices for Software Test Management

Discover the 5 best practices for software test management. Learn how to streamline QA processes, improve efficiency, and more.

Integrating Accessibility Testing in Software Test Management

Discover the importance of accessibility testing in software test management for inclusivity and innovation, detailed by Federico Toledo of Abstracta.

8 Benefits of Using AI in Software Testing

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the software testing industry. Discover the eight benefits of using AI in software testing, and more.

Test Strategy On Ongoing Projects: Building Airplanes While They Fly with Matthew Heusser

Matthew Heusser
Matthew Heusser

Software Testing Jobs: The Guide For QA Roles and Responsibilities

Discover the different roles within Quality Assurance. Learn about the unique responsibilities and essential skills required for each position in the QA world.

2023 Year in Review: How Did Software Testing Evolve?

Explore 2023's main trends and challenges in software testing—from AI to cybersecurity threats. Prep for 2024 with key insights and actionable tips.

Automating Tests With the BDD Framework

From understanding the fundamentals of automation to practical tips on tool selection, environment setup, and leveraging BDD.

A Recap Journey of OnlineTestConf 2023!

Dive into the latest insights and trends in software testing at the 13th OTC conference. Elevate your skills and stay ahead in the dynamic testing landscape.

6 Blessings of Software Testers That Give Thanks for Quality Software

Find the blessings that make software testers thankful! From automation to collaborative teams, explore what powers quality software in this article.

Software Testing Best Practices Checklist

Unlock success in software testing with our 10 essential best practices. From clear objectives to continuous improvement, level up your testing game!

When Should You Stop Testing? Exit Criteria in Software Testing

Learn how to effectively define exit criteria for software testing to ensure successful project completion.

Test Automation as Part of Digital Transformation: A Guide for the Enterprise

Features of digital business transformation. The importance of testing automation in the process of introducing new technologies.

Calculating the ROI of Test Automation and Test Management Tools

Reveal the ROI of automation & test management tools. Explore benefits, metrics & real-world impact on quality, efficiency & customer satisfaction.

A Pathway From Software Tester to Manager

Looking to make the transition from software tester to manager? Learn tips and insights from Daniel Knott’s rich experience.

How to Address Software Testing Bottlenecks

Uncover how to conquer software testing bottlenecks. Embrace automation, involve developers, and use dedicated QA tools for efficient, high-quality releases.

How Non-Dedicated QA Platforms Fall Short of Managing Software Testing

Still using bug trackers and spreadsheets? Discover the key to enhancing collaboration and accelerating your product's time-to-market.

Maximizing Your ROI with Effective Software Testing Strategies

Boost your ROI through smart software testing. Unlock the power of effective testing and learn strategies to enhance efficiency, quality, and outcomes.

Cloud Computing’s Impact on QA Management

Explore the transformative journey from on-premises to cloud-based QA management solutions. Discover benefits, strategies, and more.

Bad Software Quality Affects Your Entire Organization

Poor software quality impacts every department within your organization. Learn why prioritizing quality is vital for holistic organizational success.

Leveraging Effective Test Management to Mitigate Economic Uncertainty

Looking for a way to mitigate economic uncertainty? Learn here about the value of effective test management and how it can help you in uncertain times.

Applying BDD To Your Test Automation With Laveena Ramchandani

Laveena Ramchandani

How To Accelerate Project Delivery and Get to Market Faster

Discover the art of expediting project delivery and market penetration with our comprehensive eBook. Explore strategies and tips to quickly seize opportunities.

Small vs Large Test: Which One Is Ideal?

Explore trade-offs, execution & maintenance efficiency, and choose manual vs. automated testing regarding the ideal test size.

How to Effectively Onboard & Train Software Testers Remotely

Learn how to effectively onboard new software testers remotely with a comprehensive training plan, clear goals, and ongoing support. Read more here.

How to Plan QA Activities During the Summer Season

Discover valuable tips to efficiently plan and execute software testing during the summer vacation season, ensuring productivity and quality outcomes.

The Guide to Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Discover how Test-Driven Development can improve your software testing process with this comprehensive guide. Learn the benefits and best practices here.

Software Testing Certifications: Is It Worth It?

Learn about software testing certifications, including their benefits, drawbacks and what to evaluate if pursuing a certification.

Digital Transformation: Adjust Yourself As A Tester to The Customer

A big part of a software tester’s job is to focus on the customer making them highly important in the software development process.

5 Must-Have Skills for QA Testers in 2023

Dive into the indispensable capabilities for excelling in software testing and achieving quality assurance triumph.

Measuring Rest API Testing Coverage Automatically: A Practical Approach

Julio de Lima

Make the Switch: Migrating Your Testing from Quality Center to PractiTest

Migrate your Quality Center data to PractiTest with our ultimate guide. Manage all your testing data in a modern, agile platform for streamlined processes.

Digital Transformation in Financial Services

Dive deeper into the financial services world, focusing on challenges, hot trends, and accelerating digital transformation with test management platforms.

Unpacking the Top Highlights of STAREAST 2023

Discover the most exciting moments from STAREAST 2023! From expert-led Pre-Conference Training to inspiring Keynote Sessions.

Top 8 CI/CD Tools

Are you looking for the best CI/CD tools for your software development workflows? Check out our list of the top 8 CI/CD tools that will make your work easier!

Insights from the 2023 State of Testing Report - Roundtable Discussion


Benefits of Automation Testing: What About Human Intervention

Discover the benefits and limitations of automation testing in this informative article. Learn how human intervention can improve your testing process.

7 Annoyingly Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Test Management Process

Joel Montvelisky

Be Passionate About Your Testing!

Being passionate about your job is a MUST in order to become great at it. Discover the importance of being passionate as a software tester in this blog post.

PractiTest Named Leader in the G2 Grid® Report for Spring 2023

​We're thrilled to announce that PractiTest was named a Leader in G2's Grid® Report Spring 2023 for diverse categories.

Deciphering Alerts: Make Sense Of What Your Software Is Saying With Lena Nyström

Lena Nyström

The Challenging Job as a Software Tester - A Real-Life Story

Learn about the three main challenges software testers face in their daily work. Get insights from a real-life experience.

Why Finance Companies Should Use a Test Management Platform

A test management platform is a great way for financial services companies to meet their customers’ needs and gain a competitive edge. Here are 6 reasons why.

Stop Managing Testers and Focus on Managing Testing

QA managers must shift focus from managing testers to managing testing across the organization due to the evolving software industry and testing processes.

Making The Transition from Manual to Automated Tester

Looking to make the transition from manual to automated tester? Get insights into the differences and practical tips for a successful switch in this guide.

The Hidden Logic of Thinking for Testers with Nithin S.S

Nithin S.S

Design Patterns in Test Automation

If you’re creating test automation, then you are doing software design. This is a pity, because using design patterns has quite some advantages.

How to Get a Software Testing Job

​Get ahead in your software testing job search with 4 powerful tips. Boost your experience, expand your network, and stand out with constant skill evolution.

Critical Thinking in Software Testing: A Key Skill in the IT Industry

Unlock the power of critical thinking in software testing & its significance in IT industry. Learn how testers use it to improve software quality.

Top 10 Software Testing Interview Questions for Juniors

​Discover what employers are looking for in a software tester with our Top 10 Software Testing Interview Question guide.

5 Factors to Consider When Planning QA for 2023

Learn what are the 5 must-have factors to include in your 2023 strategy to elevate your software testing work.

The power of professional opinion - The 2023 State of Testing survey

​The shift to Agile and DevOps and their impact on our productivity and our testing. And the consequences of automation adoption.

Design Patterns In Test Automation with Christian Baumann

Christian Baumann

PractiTest Named Leader in the G2 Grid® Report for Winter 2023

​We're thrilled to announce that PractiTest was named a Leader in G2's Grid® Report Winter 2023 for diverse categories.

End of the Year Reflection 2022 - How to Evaluate your QA Success

The final days of the year are a great time to evaluate what you've accomplished in the past year and how to better prepare for the year ahead.

Mobile Test Management - Guest Webinar with Daniel Knott

Daniel Knott

An Introductory Guide to QA for Non-Testers

What you should know before participating in your company’s software testing efforts. Read more about it here.

PractiTest New & Improved Features Summary 2022

​Right before 2022 comes to an end, it is time to summarize all the important features we have added and improved in PractiTest test management platform.

Build Software vs. Buy Software

Decide between building or buying software: digital transformation, pandemic impact, pros and cons, key considerations outlined in white paper.

Is This Testable? How to Ask Better Questions from My Applications and Engineering Teams

Michael Larsen
Michael Larsen

9 Dos and Don’ts in Test Automation Moving Forward To 2023

Daniel Knott is writing about the Dos and Don’ts in test automation as he learned them the hard way during his career.

Measuring QA Contribution to Your Business

The contribution of a proper Quality Assurance process can provide your business, the importance of measurement, recommended QA metrics, and more

Top 10 Online Communities for Testers

Looking to be part of a dedicated software testing community? Check out our top 10 online communities for testers list, and join the best communities online!

The 90-Day Journey of a QA Manager to Impact

How to achieve an immediate impact within the first three months in your new role as QA manager. Read more about it here.

5 Ways Building User Profiles Can Improve Your Testing

Given the limited time to test, we need to make the most of it. Building user profiles is a great practice to find the critical bugs.

A Complete Guide to Software Test Execution

Much has been written on the topics of test planning and test design, however not as much is written about test execution.

What Makes A Good Tester Great?

What makes a good tester great? Lessons I learned during my software testing career in the last 13 years. From failures to successes and what I have learned.

Enabling Digital Transformation in the Semiconductor and Hardware Space

Testing electronics is the best way to ensure that they're going to do what they say they will and provide users with a pleasant experience.

What is CI/CD? The Complete Guide to Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery

CI/CD is a vital part of DevOps methodology. While CI means Continuous Integration, CD refers to Continuous Delivery or Deployment. Learn here more about CI/CD.

The Lazy Tester, Musings on Being Efficient - Guest Webinar by Melissa Tondi

Melissa Tondi
Melissa Tondi

Roadblocks to Bug Reporting - Guest webinar with Michael Stahl

About Michael Stahl
Michael Stahl

5 Ways A Modern Test Management Platform is Good for Business

Achieve business success by making smarter decisions regarding product release and quality. Read more about it here.

Become a Testing Superhero - Reach your full potential

Much like superheroes, all testers have different superpowers they are using in their efforts to save the day. Are you using yours to their fullest potential?

Use Case vs Test Case

Use Case vs Test Case. Two valuable elements help understand the interaction between the end-user and the system’s behavior. Learn about the differences here.

PractiTest is recognized in Forrester’s Continuous Automation Testing Platforms report

We’re proud to share that PractiTest has been recognized in The Continuous Automation Testing Platforms Landscape, Q3 2022, Forrester report.

The Future of Testing - What It Might Be?

What will be the future of testing? Topics such as big data, AI/ ML, blockchain and security will impact software testing in the next decade. Be prepared.

How to Make Sure Your Testing Process is Efficient?

The QA process is a vital part of creating quality software. Learn here tips that will help you keep your software testing process as efficient as possible.

How to Delight 8 Billion Humans Guest webinar with Dona Sarkar

About Dona Sarkar
Dona Sarkar

The Visual Testing Revolution Guest webinar with Andrew Knight

About Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight

Manual Testing vs Automation Testing

Manual testing Scenario vs automation testing, two different testing techniques. Learn about the differences between them here.

Common Continuous Testing Pitfalls In DevOps And How To Avoid Them

Why progressively optimized test suites are crucial to any highly evolved DevOps team and the quality of complex software systems.

Top 10 Software Testing Podcasts to Follow in 2023

Real-life insights from professionals in the testing industry you should definitely add to your subscription list.

Are you doing OKR or just OK?

Here's What to consider when analyzing the first part of the year to make the second an even greater success.

Top 15 Software Testing Books

Books are a great source of information for software testers to learn new skills and acquire knowledge. Come check out this top 15 software testing books list!

Test Management 3.0 - The Challenges and Value of Testing in Today’s Agile & DevOps Reality

About Intellyx

Shifting Accessibility Testing to the Left with Marie Drake

Marie Drake
Marie Drake

5 Signs Why To Scale Up Your QA And Testing Operations

In order to develop high-quality software, it is crucial to perform proper QA activities. Notice these 5 signs you need to scale up.

What is System Testing? An in-depth guide

System testing is perhaps the single most important level of testing because it involves testing all the key elements of a system.

Insights from the 2022 State of Testing Report - Roundtable Discussion


How to succeed as a Tester in a DevOps environment

Huib Schoots
Huib Schoots

Increasing Productivity by Uncovering Costs of Delay - with Jutta Eckstein

Jutta Eckstein
Jutta Eckstein

Achieve Test Traceability For Compliance Requirements

Learn how to achieve test traceability for compliance requirements such as FDA validation guidelines and other software safety standards!

How to bring accessibility into your teams - with Laveena Ramchandani

Laveena Ramchandani
Laveena Ramchandani

PractiTest's Test Automation Management Capabilities - PractiTest Labs


Who's Ready for Post-Modern Testing? Guest Webinar by Alan Page

Alan Page
By Alan Page

Top 20 Software Testing Leaders to Follow on X

Top 20 software testing leaders to follow on X and what has been the biggest influence on them. Read more about it here.

10 Ideas to help you correctly evaluate 2021 and effectively plan 2022

Joel Montvelisky

Metatesting : The secret questions you need to ask yourself to be a world-class tester

Paul Merrill

Embrace automation without fear - Guest Webinar by Ajay Balamurugadas


Growing an Experiment-driven Quality Culture - Guest Webinar by Elisabeth Hocke


Testing is Not the Goal - Guest Webinar by Rob Meaney


Realizing Test Cases, Test Scripts and Test Scenarios as Valued Testing Assets

Too many testers are writing test cases, test scripts and other test documentation with only the short-term in mind. Learn why documentation is important

What Is Sanity Testing? A-Z Guide on Sanity Testing (Examples & Checklist)

What is sanity testing? How do you do it and why it matters for software testers. Learn all of this and more in our new guide

Tips I wish I got when I first started my career as a QA professional

Nobody can argue that experience is valuable, at any field of work. Get tips from QA Professionals from around the world to kick start your career.

The Ins and Outs of a Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)

In this article, we explore the concept of traceability in software testing and how to document traceability in a requirements traceability matrix (RTM).

Creating your QA center of excellence


Smoke vs Regression Testing

Smoke Testing vs Regression Testing. Two influential tests ensure bug-free functioning software. Learn more about Smoke and Regression testing here.

Test Plan vs Test Case

Test Plan vs Test Case, Two important documents that help QA teams to control the software testing process. Learn about the differences between them here.

What is Smoke Testing? A Complete Guide to Smoke Testing

What is smoke testing, and how the term “smoke testing” originated? How can we use history as an analogy for finding defects in software and systems.

What Is Functional Testing? (The Intermediate Guide)

Functional Testing is used in software testing to verify what the software should do and its features/functionality. Read our new guide to learn more!

What is Exploratory Testing? (A SIMPLE Guide)

What is exploratory testing? How do you do it and why it matters for software testers. Learn all of this and more in our new guide

What is Integration Testing? A Complete Guide to Integration Testing

What is integration testing? Explore the various levels of integration testing, and the difference between integration and interoperability testing.

Testing a data science model - Guest Webinar By Laveena Ramchandani


Unit Test Vs Functional Test

Unit Test vs. Functional Test, two essential tests that assure higher quality software. Learn more about the differences and the advantages of each test.

Test Plan Vs Test Strategy

Here you can find a comparison between test plan vs test strategy. Discover the key differences and similarities.

Pros and Cons of Using Jira as a Test Case Management Tool

Thinking about using Jira for test case management? Learn about the pros & cons of using Jira as a test case management tool before reaching a decision

What Can We Learn From The 2021 State of Testing Report


PractiTest Labs - New PractiTest Features and Additions


Understanding, Defining and Implementing Software QA and Testing Metrics

This article explores the territory around software testing metrics and measurement, two key aspects of the software QA and testing process.

9 Ways to Be Positive About Negative Testing

What is Negative Testing and why is it so important? In this article we explore the testing form of “breaking” a software and the required techniques.

Breaking Down The Key Differences: Smoke vs Sanity Testing

Software testers must differentiate between smoke and sanity testing. We have outlined what you need to know to make your job easier!

Characteristics of a Modern Test Process - Guest Webinar By Jan-Jaap Cannegieter


SEBTE A Simple Effective Experience-Based Test Estimation


How To Find Your Dream Career and Become Successful Leaders - Guest Webinar by Raj Subrameyer


Peek Into Observability from a Tester's Lens - Guest Webinar by Parveen Khan


Stop throwing away 75% of your Automated Testing value - a Joint webinar by PractiTest and Eggplant


Enhancing quality and testing in agile teams from theory to practice


Achieving quality with as little “testing” as possible


Managing Security Tests and Creating a Secure Culture - Guest Webinar by Santhosh Tuppad


PractiTest Labs - Managing automation with PractiTest


How to implement your testing methodology using 5 PractiTest features


Connecting Manual Testers to an Agile Era


Generating visibility into your projects, using PractiTest graphs and reports


PractiTest Labs - Optimize your testing with the right combination of PractiTest's abilities


Testing without requirements


How to Reduce Test Case Maintenance with Randall Rice


Exploratory Testing Live Q&A with James Bach & Joel Montvelisky


How Testers Can Help Deliver a Great Mobile Experience

Kristel (Viidik) Kruustuk

Your Testing Project Preparation Checklist


Unconventional Ideas for Revolutionary Testing Teams


Valuable Testing Metrics You Cannot Afford to Ignore


How to cope with the growth of your testing team?


Testing game changers


When a Test Manager Makes a Difference

Derk-Jan de Grood

Tips to Become a Kick-Ass Tester in Today’s Changing Environment


10 Common Testing Pitfalls


Mixing Testing Types for Optimized Results


Communication Skills for Testers


Testing Reports: How to make the most out of them without losing time on making them

Software testing reports are meant to reflect a project’s progress and provide a clear overall picture of the product’s status. Here's how to create them.

Developer Testing Webinar


Choosing the right Software Testing tool for your Software Development process

Software development is a complex, technical and intense process, that is continuously evolving, and so are software testing tools available.

Agile Test Management Webinar


Stop being a bottleneck for software quality assurance

Stop being a bottleneck for software quality assurance, Why 'testing’ might be holding back the quality of your software.

Testing Risk Management Webinar


Master Test Plan Webinar


Software Testing 101: The crucial guide to software QA for project managers

Software Testing 101: The crucial project management guide to software Quality Assurance for project managers.

Testing Under Pressure


Is Excel holding back your testing?

Is time to start looking beyond Excel, and invest in a good test management tool to help you with your testing efforts?

Testing Metrics Webinar


Test Management Comparison Checklist

Choose the right QA test management tool with the help of this test management comparison checklist.

What can we learn from the 2019 State of Testing™ Report Webinar


Keep ahead of the curve & become a kick-ass tester

Today’s economy is pushing the world towards technological automation. Learn how to become a kick-ass tester by keeping up with trends in testing

DevOps Testing Tools: Leverage the Power of Automation

DevOps tools can help you speed up the testing process. Discover top DevOps testing tools and learn key best practices.

How to coordinate your automated and manual testing

Discover best practices for coordinating your automated and manual testing efforts together, and how you can achieve better testing coverage.

PractiTest Live Training & Q&A Session


The new reality of (Manual +Automation) Test Management


Exploratory Testing and the DEER Heuristic


5 Ways A Modern Test Management Platform is Good for Business

Attain triumph in your business endeavors by exercising sound judgment in matters concerning the launch and standard of your products.

The User Story Value Hypothesis

Why are we even developing this feature? not asking the question and failing to make sure we have a clear answer is both wrong and dangerous.

The Pesticide Paradox - How to Keep Your Tests Relevant

Even if you create a suit that has a very high coverage percentage and bug discovery success rate, you should not lay down your guard.

Teaching Programmers to Test

Would you trust a programmer to test your application? sometimes you don’t have a choice. Read more about it here.

The Simple Differences Between Product Risks and Project Risks

Risks are a big part of any manager’s work. We are expected to be in the lookout for the things that may happen and prepare accordingly.

Mindful Testing – Something Like Meditation for Your Testing Project

Mindful testing cannot be done by chance. However, from a testing perspective, it is the best kind of testing you can do.

How Good It Is to Meet People in Person Again

There is something different, orders of magnitude stronger and more powerful, about meeting in person.

Finding Your MVP - Do You Even Know What an MVP Is?

Shaping features that have the functionality users want to use, helps your team expand the quality of your products

Asking For Help When Needed – This Is Also a Valuable Skill

Even when talking about testing, there will be tasks that make more sense to ask someone with more experience and tools to solve.

A Good Tester Asks Good Questions

Your work is to test and to provide visibility into whether the application is meeting the quality standards of your users and stakeholders.

10 Reasons Why You are NOT a Professional Tester!

Even if you don’t agree with me, I want to hear your feedback in order to learn from it and improve our work!

What is User Acceptance Testing? A Concise Guide to UAT Planning and Design

What is UAT testing? Discover all you need to know about User Acceptance Testing planning and design

How to Define an Effective Test Automation Strategy

Here we discuss why a test automation strategy is essential for truly successful test automation, including live automation strategy sample and template.
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