Metatesting : The secret questions you need to ask yourself to be a world-class tester
In This webinar
Metatesting: The secret questions you need to ask yourself to be a world-class tester
"Testers deliver quality."
""Testers are a proxy for the user."
"Automation finds defects."
"Test Automation increases efficiency."
"Software development focuses on the users' needs."
Which of these statements are true? Which are false?
We each have understandings of software testing and Quality Assurance, but how many of them stand to scrutiny? As testers we scrutinize, disassemble, and critique - but to what purpose? Do we seek truth? Do we need to be able to recognize what is true to identify or mitigate risk? To improve quality?
If our job as testers is to scrutinize to some end - shouldn't we first scrutinize ourselves?
In this session, Paul Merrill contends that most of what we think we know about testing and test automation is false - and the list of falsehoods around us may not be contained to our domain of testing.
Learn a handful of techniques for metatesting (or testing the tester), including "the questions". Come away from this session with the secrets only the best testers know and the ability to wield them for good in your testing.
Join us for Metatesting - The secret questions you need to ask yourself to be a world class tester.