PractiTest Updates

December 2020 Updates

Last updated: December 31, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • Account overview page - cross project information, faster.
    This new landing page, centralizes all your account’s links and recents activities so you can view your responsibilities, actions and data across all your projects upon login.

  • Run filter for graphs and reports - more visibility to your automation testing status
    We added to all run-based dashboard items and reports, the option to filter the data using run level fields.

  • TaskBoard GUI enhancement
    Not using PractiTests’ taskboard? Now is the time to start! Manage everyone’s assigned entities - Kanban style.

Coming up

  • How to find your dream career and become successful leaders
    practical strategies to find your dream job? Join Raj Subramayer’s webinar on Jan. 6th, 2021 16:00 CET/ 10:00 EST. Sign up now 3 attendees will receive a free copy of Raj’s new book “Skyrocket your career”

  • State of Testing Survey is about to conclude
    Take part in the longest running QA and Testing annual report. Answer this quick survey

PractiTest and Beyond

  • Master Your PractiTest knowledge
    Click the help icon to access our certification program. View the training course and get ready to test your PractiTest skills.

November 2020 Updates

Last updated: November 30, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • Faster and easier Jira field integration settings
    Enjoy improved set up and display of your synchronized Jira fields within PractiTest.

  • More Run Level visibility with new Graphs & Reports
    We keep adding more functionality to enhance your testing, this time with additional graphs and reports at the level of your Test Runs. You can create Distribution Table, Bar Chart, Pie chart and Execution Progress graphs based on Test Set and filtered by Run Level fields.
    We’ve also added a whole new run level reports section - check it out!

  • New navigation bar with exciting new features!
    • PractiTest certification
      Are you a PractiTest hero? Get acknowledged by taking the PractiTest test and receive you certification.
      Don’t feel like a master of PractiTest just yet? Take the online course and become one!
    • User profile picture
      Know who is in charge of what at a glimpse! you can now add an image to your profile that will appear next to your name whenever mentioned in the software!

Coming up

  • The Online TestConf is running - you can still catch the last day!
    2 days are behind us - one more day to go. Join the best speakers from around the globe. Sign up now

  • CEC ltd and MSYS will host a PractiTest and Eggplant webinar in Japanese: 「DX時代のテストアプローチ」-加速化するビジネスとテストプロセス変革-
    December 10th, 15:00~15:45 JST. Sign up here

  • Peek into Observability from testers lens
    Join this webinar by Parveen Khan where she will share her journey of observability to understand how it can support testing. Dec.16th at 16:30 CET / 10:30 EST Sign up here

  • How to find your dream career and become successful leaders
    Join this webinar by Raj Subramayer discussing practical strategies to find your dream job, be massively successful in it, and meet your rockstar potential. Jan. 6th, 2021 16:00 CET/ 10:00 EST. Sign up now

October 2020 Updates

Last updated: October 30, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • Filtering projects in project dropdown
    Working with more than 8 projects? This one's for you. From now on you will be able to search within your project dropdown list to get you to where you want faster and easier.

  • PractiTest internal automation framework, XBot 2.0 beta, will be out within the next few days!
    Talk to us if you want to be one of the first ones to try it!

Coming up

  • Stop throwing away 75% of the value generated by your Automated Testing!
    a PractiTest Eggplant Joint webinar.
    Joel Montvelisky, PractiTest chief solution architect, and Evan Bartlik, Solution Architect at Eggplant will demonstrate how the PractiTest-Eggplant integration can help you cope with the challenges of managing automated and manual testing. Nov 12 - Sign up here

  • Making Manual and Automated Testing Work Together
    Joel Montvelisky is hosting Viv Richards, a leading QA consultant on Nov 18th.

  • PractiTest is proud to sponsor two testing events: Agile Testing Days (Nov 10-12) and ASQF Quality Day (Nov 26)

  • OnlineTestConf is coming up! 1-3 December 2020
    Check out the program here
    Didn’t sign up yet? Do it now!

September 2020 Updates

Last updated: September 30, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • GUI Improvements
    • Run Steps Window
      running scripted tests is at the heart of manual testing. This is why we made the running window more user friendly
    • Project drop down list
      working with multiple projects? In multiple accounts? Now you can navigate easier between your projects using the new projects drop down list.
  • Auto-filters Improvement
    When creating an auto filter, you will now have the ability to hide the empty values in your filter for less clutter and more productivity.
  • Better visibility with new graphs!
    • Issues status progress graph
      Follow the status of you issues with this new adjustable graph. issue-progress-graph
    • Planned-vs-Executed graph
      Monitor your team’s progress with this new graph that will help you understand the status of your actual testing planned-vs-executed

Coming up

  • PractiTest Webinar: Let’s Focus More On Quality Engineering And Less About Testing
    Join Joel Montvelisky this Wednesday, October 7th - Sign up here

  • Online Conferences and Events:
    TestCon conferences - a workshop about “Test Management when Testing is the Whole Team’s Responsibility”.
    STPCon webinar on October 21st a talk about Modern Testing - See here

  • OnlineTestConf is fast approaching!
    This December 1st-3rd. Haven’t you signed up yet? Do it now

August 2020 Updates

Last updated: August 31, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • The QA revolution is here - don’t stay behind!
    Manage your entire process of automation, manual and exploratory testing - all in one place

    We have added new functionality to improve the management and coordination of your manual and automated testing efforts. We have added additional test types to cover different automation approaches (REST API, FireCracker, xBot and more), additional execution options, and better ways to view and report results.

  • PractiTest JIRA Integration just got much stronger Based on our clients’ requests, we’re proud to present two major improvements to the JIRA integration:
    • Synchronise additional fields from JIRA to PractiTest, and take advantage of PractiTest advanced Filters and Dashboard for end to end visibility
      PractiTest is now allowing users to bring the information from additional fields in Jira when linking Issues and Requirements between the two systems. This means users will have all their important data in PractiTest, allowing them to generate end to end visibility of User Stories, Tests and Issues in PractiTest, with the help of our Advanced Filters and Flexible Dashboard and Reporting options. Read more about it here.

    • Fill out additional Jira fields while creating a ticket in PractiTest
      In order to make the reporting issues from PractiTest to Jira simpler and faster, we added the possibility to include more fields when reporting bugs into Jira from your PractiTest runs. For more details, go here.
  • Issue’s age information
    From now on, every issue in PractiTest will have a new field displaying its age. This measurement helps organizations to improve their bug management process by providing more visibility into the time it takes to take care of your issues. In addition to the field itself, we have deployed a Defect Age graph on the dashboard to get a better understanding of this metric in your projects.

Coming up

  • Guest webinar with Ben Linders
    Ben will be talking about “Enhancing quality and testing in agile teams from theory to practice” on September 9th. 10:00 EDT / 16:00 CEST. Sign up here

  • PractiTest is sponsoring SQiP conference in Japan
    Check out our profile and have a chat with our local partners in the Online SQiP Event. Join the live demo on October 10th, 11:00 AM JPT

  • Live Podcast Episode
    Testing one on one is going live! Join Joel and Rob for a live session where you can ask them anything. September 16th.

PractiTest for the community:

  • A New Resource on how to Master the new reality of manual and automation test management is now available on our website. Check it out

July 2020 Updates

Last updated: July 31, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • Test Management - including more of your automated testing!
    Within the next few weeks, the entire way you manage your Testing will take a shift up, by including more of your automation in it. PractiTest will include automation items in its GUI and all types of test results (including Unit and CI/CD test results) will translate into coherent actionable dashboards and reports.

    automation new test

  • Last Run fields in Dashboard and Reports
    After enabling the run level fields you can now use the information from your last run fields in Dashboards and Reports, as well as in many grids within the system. This provides better visibility and control of your results as well as the additional run-level information captured during your testing

    automation dashboard

  • Step Parameters improvements
    Step parameterization is one of the features our customers find most efficient - so we made it even better. You can now work with lists of values for your parameters, as well as the option to reuse existing parameters while you are writing your tests and steps.

  • Add more fields to Jira Create Issue Modal
    Report a ticket to Jira and include values for any Jira field you want - required and non-required. This change will make updating Jira even smoother. Contact us for more information

Coming up

  • Cross Browser Test Management Using LambdaTest & PractiTest
    Antony Lipman will be a guest in this Lambda Test webinar this Tuesday, 4th AUG 2020, 10:00 AM PST Sign up here

  • Live Podcast Episode
    Testing one on one is going live! Join Joel and Rob for a live session where you can ask them anything. Stay tuned for more details

  • Joel Montvelisky on SwissTestingDays
    Mindfulness at a testing conference!? Joel will introduce a number of techniques to help teams provide excellent testing results faster and in more focused operations. Read more here

PractiTest is on the Map!

  • Testing in DevOps? a new blog post!
    We recently invited Ali Hill to write a guest blog post in Joel’s QAblog. His article on The role of testing in DevOps blew our mind! We can’t wait to cooperate with him again!

June 2020 Updates

Last updated: June 30, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • Personal API Tokens (PAT)
    With a personal API token, you can give each user a unique access ONLY to the areas this specific user is permitted on. PAT is enabled in most modules and has the option to link a user to his PAT actions. This is yet another security improvement that ensures your data is protected and that your process is running correctly. Read more about it here

  • Extended traceability for ‘called to test’ tests
    To ensure full QA coverage, you can now see for any test, the tests calling it, with a link to those tests. call to test traceability

  • Minor dashboard improvements
    You can now define the exact scope of time you wish to view in your dashboard item

Coming up

  • PractiTest Labs
    If you are working in the healthcare industry, you don’t want to miss this one. Join Edith and Antony on July 15th 10:30 AM EDT/ 4:30 PM CEST

  • Ausies, Listen Up!
    The Australian tester association is hosting Joel Montvelisky on July 16th, at 17:30 (Australia time) to talk about the new reality of (Manual +Automation) test management. Don’t miss out! Sign up here

  • SAEC Days conference is hosting Joel Montvelisky
    Joel will have 2 sessions, on the 22nd and the 23rd of July.

  • Managing Security Tests and Creating a Secure Culture
    PractiTest is hosting Santosh Tuppad, Security expert, for a webinar on July 23rd, 10 AM ET Sign up here

May 2020 Updates

Last updated: May 30, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • Jira integration version 3.0.0 is live!
    No matter if you are working on Jira cloud, Jira Server, Jira Data center or the “No-Plugin” integration version, with this new version, your work with Jira and PractiTest will be smoother - easier to configure, with added value features such as Filter import and more! Read more about using this integration here

  • Project Templates
    PractiTest now has the option to base a new project structure (fields, filters and dashboard items) on the methodology you choose - Agile, Traditional and/or Automation, in addition to the existing option to ‘clone a project’. For more information click here.

  • New Report creation GUI
    Reports are not only an important tool in your testing toolbox, but also the face of your testing work when presented to others. This is why we made our report module clearer and more user friendly - now you can see and try all kinds of reports to help you do your work better!

  • Test Run fields
    PractiTest now has the option to add fields on the run level. Fields are at the heart of the PractiTest system. They not only define an entity, but they also let you filter entities, create specific dashboard items, reports and more. This means you can now define fields, like you do for any other entity, for test run.

PractiTest is on the Map!

  • Spring 2020 OnlineTestConf with more attendees than ever before!
    3 days of testing and QA lectures, covering 3 different time zones with over 4,500 registrants and lectures that broke the attendees number limit! Missed it? Let us know to invite you to the next event this Fall

Coming up

  • Joel Montvelisky hosting Peter Walen to discuss how to achieve quality with as little “testing” as possible.
    Peter and Joel will discuss the topic from a holistic perspective and not by “injecting quality as a result of finding and fixing bugs in the finished product”. Going to be a blast. Sign up here

  • Kobiton’s Odyssey conference features Joel Montvelisky
    Joel will talk about Modern Testing and how we can focus more on quality and less on testing. Check it out here

April 2020 Updates

Last updated: April 30, 2020

Here are some updates from the past month


  • GUI enhancements to make your work easier
    – Drag & Drop - easily upload attachments to PractiTest
    – Runs count field - We added a field in the Test Instance grid of each Test Set, to reflect the number of runs for each instance

  • API Authentication Options
    PractiTest API V2 supports three authentication methods: – Basic – Parameters – Custom header (added) Developer email is not required anymore. Read more here.

  • Modify list values
    Rename your list field value using the settings

PractiTest for the Community

  • COVID 19
    Due to the COVID 19 situation, we gathered some relevant resources that can help you do your work in this hard time.
    Also, in support of the Leisure, Travel & Tourism industries, who have taken a hit by the COVID 19, we are offering 2 free months of PractiTest with no commitment for those industries!

  • State of Testing 2020 is published!
    The 7th edition of the original longest-running QA & Testing report is out and is not only interesting, but also full of new insights.

Coming up

  • OnlineTestConf, May 19th-21st,2020
    3 Days, 3 Time zones, 12 speakers, over 4500 registrants from the entire world! Save your seat
Shift your testing Forward