July 2021 Updates

Last updated: July 31, 2021

Here are some updates from the past month


  • Multiple Integrations per account
    Want to integrate PractiTest with 2 different Jira accounts? With AzureDevOps and JIRA Server? Have a team that works with a project management tool and a bugtracker? This update is for you. From now on, you can integrate your PractiTest account with 2 different issue management tools allowing you to maintain seamless control of your entire process

  • Auto-sync Jira filters
    SyncingJira filter to PractiTest is no news, but now you can also keep the sync running and update PractiTest with every change you make to issues in the synced filter! Read more about it here

  • Project history view
    From now on, PractiTest will combine your actions in the history tab to have all actions made by the same user in the same day on the same entity - in one record. This will help you have a clearer view of your actions log history.

  • More stuff in My Stuff
    My stuff section in the account landing page will now also include your Test Sets runs logs. This gives you a quick overview of relevant actions you made recently and also easy access directly to them
    my stuff account landing page

PractiTest and Beyond

  • Missed our Guest Webinar by Rob Meaney “Testing is Not the Goal”?
    It’s not too late! Watch it here

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