The Challenge
Zerto has a large product that undergoes frequent build releases and therefore requires extensive QA in various testing environments. The company needed a solution that would expedite and streamline the QA cycle. Which according to Udi, Zerto’s Director of QA, was the main challenge prior to PractiTest. The company’s rigorous testing schedule means that communicating the status of a release both to the organization and even inside the testing team can be complex. Zerto needed a simple way for all stakeholders involved in product releases to see how many tests had been performed, how many were left and how many passed were not easily answered.
The Solution
PractiTest came up in Udi’s online search for a QA management systems. Though he was not searching for a SaaS product per-se, Zerto’s general IT strategy is to move to cloud based computing to save maintenance costs, so PractiTest fit in well with that.
PractiTest also met all of Udi’s other criteria: easy deployment, an ability to customize test parameters, a simple pass/fail process and, as important, a competitive price.
As Udi mentions deployment was very easy – due to it’s simplicity and friendly UI everybody loves using it, even those who were used to using other, more well known solutions. Additionally, the API is simple and easy to understand and maintain.
The PractiTest Benefits
According to Udi, the main benefits PractiTest provides Zetro are: process transparency, summarized reporting, no maintenance requirement and excellent responsive support. “PractiTest’s greatest benefit in my mind is the transparency of the QA process that now exists in the organization. This was also the solution to our greatest challenge”, says Udi. “Moreover, it gives the ability to quickly and easily manage all my tests and their history in a single place. As well as efficient reporting that help me summarize and present the department’s work plan to the greater organization. When I compare it to other solutions I’ve worked with before, I can say that PractiTest is much faster and is of better value, since no maintenance is required. Last but not least, one of the advantages of Practitest is it’s customer service: It is simply excellent. The PractiTest team is always ready to help, whether by email, phone or Skype and always responding in a much more timely manner than even expected”.