10 Years of State of Testing™

Explore 10 years of testing data and deep dive into the numbers behind the software testing world.

For 10 years now, PractiTest and Tea-Time with Testers have created the State of Testing™ initiative aimed at identifying the existing characteristics, practices, and challenges facing the testing community, in hopes to shed light and provoke a fruitful discussion towards improvement.

To celebrate a decade of the most comprehensive report about the Software Testing industry, we are now sharing, for the first time, the most interesting cross-time snippets. We hope you find it valuable.

One of the first questions we’ve been asking every year to better understand the geographic movements across the industry.

To all of you aspiring Test Managers out there, it may be interesting to have a look at what the salary trend is in your country, the closest to forecasting your future.

What is considered one of the most intrigue questions across 10 years is about the principles dominating testing methodology. We see a constant Agile presence and it is probably here to stay. But look at the DevOps and Waterfall trends - it seems like fewer organizations tend to follow these.

In recent years, the concept of test automation has expanded beyond the more traditional, functional, performance, and even mobile testing. The rise of DevOps and CI/CD has emphasized the importance of test automation at every stage of the software development lifecycle.

Looking ahead, the adoption of test automation types is expected to continue evolving as technology advances further. We can anticipate the integration of intelligent testing automation techniques that can adapt, self-learn, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of testing processes. Furthermore, as new technologies and platforms emerge, organizations will need to adapt and adopt automation solutions tailored to those specific domains, ensuring comprehensive and reliable test coverage in an ever-changing technological landscape.

One of the more fascinating trends in automation is, of course, CI/CD. Over the years, we saw constant growth in the adoption of this practice, as organizations recognized the immense benefits it brings to software development and deployment. As CI/CD continues to evolve, we can expect further advancements and innovations in the field. For instance, the integration of AI and machine learning techniques into these pipelines holds the potential to optimize the entire development process.

What’s next for test managers all over the world? While the role of test managers remains relevant, it is undergoing changes in certain contexts. Traditional hierarchical structures and separate test management roles are being challenged as responsibilities are distributed across agile teams with a focus on collaboration and shared ownership. In Agile/DevOps environments, testers and developers work closely together, taking collective responsibility for quality.

Take a deep dive into the 10-year State of Testing™ Data collection, and explore the full sheet.

You can find all the reports here.