PractiTest vs. Testmo

If you're looking for a test management platform, you might already be familiar with the diverse range of available options. Initially, this can seem like a bit of an overwhelming challenge, which is why it's advisable to commence by comparing the key features to distinguish among them and make your ultimate selection.

PractiTest vs. Testmo At a Glance

PractiTest and Testmo are test management solutions often considered by test teams.

PractiTest is a robust test management platform, seamlessly integrating with Jira, as well as other external third-party tools. Serving as a comprehensive end-to-end solution, it covers the entire testing process from requirements to test and issue management, providing a centralized platform for handling all testing artifacts.

Testmo is a straightforward test management tool that primarily focuses on the testing elements of quality assurance, such as test cases and runs.

PractiTest Dashboard

PractiTest Test Set & Runs module

Testmo Runs & Results

Testmo Work Dashboard

How PractiTest and Testmo Stack Up

The following comparison reviews the main features to take into account when considering which one will best fit your QA needs.

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PractiTest Testmo
Requirement and User Stories Management
Support for hierarchical requirements
Test case management
Add attachments to each test step
Clone Tests between projects
Batch operations (cloning, editing, deletion)
Reusable test repositories
Exploratory Testing module (session based testing)
Test Sets and Execution Management
Audit history of runs and results
Edit tests during runs
Report issues/bugs from tests and auto-populate tests to reproduce
Assignment of Cycles and Tests to testers
Parameterization of Test Cases and Sets
Batch operations (cloning, editing, deletion)
Reuse tests from repository for any test set run
Test Set Permutations
Issue management
Independent issue management module
Ability to detect and prevent duplicate issues
Batch editing
Time-Based Testing Iterations Management
Milestones/Releases Management
Integration with 3rd party Bug Tracking systems
Integration with Test Automation Tools
Integration with Source Control systems
Slack integration
Hierarchical filters to organize information (e.g. Test Tree, Bug categories, Requirement types)
Custom Workflow
Custom fields and filters
Permissions & personalized mail notifications
Customizable Dashboards graphs, reports and metrics
Scheduled reports
AI-Powered Test Management
Test Steps Creation
Test Steps Editing
Assigning a Score to Reflect Test Value
Additional Features
Import & Export all data
Search (ability to add criteria)
External dashboard and embedding graphs
Cloud or Installed Cloud Cloud
Task Board
Security and Certifications
Soc 2
ISO 27001
Service and Support
Service and Support
G2 badges

Pros and Cons


  • End-to-end solution - full traceability between requirements, tests, and issues
  • AI-powered features
  • Unique hierarchical filter tree to organize all project information and data
  • 2-way integration with Jira and other tools, multiple ways to integrate automation
  • Advanced customizable dashboards and reports
  • Security compliance - SOC type II and ISO 27001
  • Free and responsive customer support


  • Outdated UI


  • Clear UI and easy to use
  • Customize Workflows
  • Milestones module


  • No Requirements module
  • No Issues module
  • No customizable dashboards
  • Relies on Amazon security compliance


  • Team - $49 per user/month
  • Corporate - Contact us
  • Additional free read-only users with comments
  • Team - 99$ 10 users/month
  • Business - 299$ per 25 users/month
  • Enterprise - 499$ per 25 users/month

Bottom Line

While both tools have their Pros and Cons, these are the main points you should consider:

Testmo is a basic and easy-to-use test management tool with a modern UI. The tool focuses on the testing aspects of QA, mainly on managing test cases and runs rather than issues and requirements.

So who is better?

If you are a small business that runs a simple testing operation and you're looking to manage mostly your test cases then Testmo may be the right pick for you.

If you are a large organization with more complex testing operations and you are searching for a comprehensive test management system to cover all different aspects of QA (e.g., tests, issues, requirements) then PractiTest is your solution.


Which is better - PractiTest or Testmo?


It depends.

For a small to medium-sized organization with simple test management needs, Testmo is a more cost-effective option.

In contrast, for organizations dealing with extensive testing operations, PractiTest serves as a consolidated platform for all testing artifacts. It offers multiple reusability features, separate Issues and Requirement modules, and customizable dashboards and reports, making it a more comprehensive solution.

What are the modules in Testmo?


Testmo has modules for milestones, test case repository, test runs & results, and sessions (for exploratory testing). Testmo doesn’t have modules for requirements and issues management.

Is PractiTest cloud-based?


Yes. PractiTest is a SaaS platform.

Is Testmo a free tool?


Testmo is not a free tool. It has 3 different pricing plans. Please see the pricing section above.

How do you run a test in PractiTest?


To run a manual test in PractiTest, add it as an instance to a new or an existing Test Set and press the run button. You will be able to set the status of the run, add actual results, report or link a bug, and more. If you are running automated tests through xBot you can run them the same way or schedule them to run later. If your automated tests are running separately and reporting back to PractiTest using the REST API or the FireCracker - the results of the automation scripts will be automatically populated into PractiTest with every run or build. You can read more about it here.

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Set a meeting with one of our representatives to see how PractiTest can help improve your QA process.