PractiTest vs. TM4J

Searching for a test management tool is not easy. There are many possible tools to choose from, each promising to to be the best tool for your QA management needs. Even though the amount of options is vast ,we recommed to focus on up to 3 tools.This allows you to compare their main features, and do a free trial with real testing data so you can get a real sense of the tool capabilities.

To understand the full price of Jira add-ons, click here.


PractiTest screenshot


TM4J screenshot

This comparison between PractiTest & Test Management for Jira (TM4J) is here to assist you. Both solutions are ideal for working with Jira, PractiTest has a two way integration and can also be used as a stand alone tool, and Test Management for Jira as a plugin that is installed directly from Jira.


PractiTest screenshot


TM4J screenshot

Ready to unlock the full potential of PractiTest? Click the button below to start your exclusive 14-day trial and experience the benefits firsthand.

PractiTest TM4J
Requirement and User Stories Management
Support for hierarchical requirements via Jira
Test case management
Add attachments to each test step
Clone Tests between projects
Batch operations (cloning, editing, deletion)
Reusable test repositories
Exploratory Testing module (session based testing)
Test Sets and Execution Management
Audit history of runs and results
Edit tests during runs
Report issues/bugs from tests and auto-populate tests to reproduce
Assignment of Cycles and Tests to testers
Parameterization of Test Cases and Sets
Batch operations (cloning, editing, deletion)
Reuse tests from repository for any test set run
Test Set Permutations N/A
Issue management
Independent issue management module via Jira
Ability to detect and prevent duplicate issues
Batch editing
Time-Based Testing Iterations Management
Milestones/Releases Management via Jira
Integration with 3rd party Bug Tracking systems
Integration with Test Automation Tools
Integration with Source Control systems
Slack integration
Hierarchical filters to organize information (e.g. Test Tree, Bug categories, Requirement types)
Custom Workflow
Custom fields and filters
Permissions & personalized mail notifications
Customizable Dashboards graphs, reports and metrics
Scheduled reports
AI-Powered Test Management
Test Steps Creation
Test Steps Editing
Assigning a Score to Reflect Test Value
Additional Features
Import & Export all data
Search (ability to add criteria)
External dashboard and embedding graphs
Cloud or Installed Cloud Both
Task Board
Security and Certifications
Soc 2
ISO 27001
Service and Support
Service and Support

So, what is the verdict?

While both tools have their Pros and Cons these are the main things you should consider

PractiTest is a SaaS based end-to-end test management solution, that covers all aspects of the application lifecycle managment from requirements to testing to reporting and sharing resutls. This tool was created with testing as its focus.It organized tests in hirarchical filters that elimimate the need to duplicate tests with reusability capabilities thus reduces testing time and increase efficiency.

Adaptive TM4J is a Jira add-on, where all testing is done inside Jira. The tool has a friendly price tag, with a nice set of features such as BDD testing and integration with automation and DevOps tools using REST APIs, but the work is limited inside Jira,doesn't have the ability to manage requirements or user stories and flexibility and the focus of testing as a quality enabler. Working inside Jira sounds promising at first, but take into consideration that as your company grows, so will testing load. Working with a tool that is not deisgned for testing can limit your ability to testing visibility you need in order to make the right business decisions.

Find out more about the benefits of PractiTest over Jira add-ons here.

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