Create a New Issue

A new issue can be created from the Issues module by clicking the ‘New Issue’ button or directly from a test run by clicking the ‘Fail & Issue’ button. New Issue Button


From the General tab you can add a description for the issue, select its status in the Task Board, and add values to its fields. If you wish to create a new custom field for this issue, you can do it by clicking on the ‘Add Custom Fields’ link at the bottom of this tab. Issue General Tab

Once you click ‘Create’ at the bottom of the page, the issue will be created and more fields will be added to the general tab (Issue Status, Time section, and Users section) as well as 4 new tabs (Traceability, Attachments, Comments, and History). Issue Tabs and Status

Assign an Issue to Users

You can assign an issue to a group of users or a specific user. In the General tab, you’ll see the Users section with ‘Assign to’ field. Click the pick list field to select a user or group, or search for a particular user to assign this issue to. Assign an Issue to Users

To add or edit users in groups, please refer to our User Management help page.

Issue Age

The system field displays the number of days from the ‘created date’ of an issue to either ‘today’ or its closed date. This information is helpful for managing and prioritizing issues effectively. Issue Age

Similar Issues

PractiTest provides a built-in feature that helps eliminate duplicate bugs. When a user adds a bug to the system, PractiTest promptly identifies other potentially similar bugs in the project. This allows the user to determine whether the reported bug is an original one or a duplicate of an existing issue. Similar Issues

You can either expand or minimize the Similar Issues window by clicking the arrow button at the bottom of the window.


The traceability tab is where you can find and link relevant entities to this issue. Entities that may be relevant can be Test Run (if the issue was reported during a test run), Requirements, Milestone (if this issue needs to be fixed within a specific sprint or version), or other Issues. Issues Traceability

To link an entity to your issue, click on the ‘Add’ button next to the right entity type list, and choose the desired entity from the list. Link Entities to Issue


This tab allows you to add, preview, download, rename, and delete attachments. You can also drag and drop attachments into the description field in the General tab, and the attachment will be added automatically to the entity and appear in the Attachments tab. Attachments in Issue


Add and edit comments regarding this Issue. You have the ability to tag other users by using the symbol ‘@’ followed by their username. Comments in Issue


View the activity history log of your Issue. History in Issue