PractiTest supports the execution of both Manual and Automated Tests.

There are 3 main ways to integrate or run your automation with PractiTest.
You can read about them here

The CircleCI Integration uses the PractiTest FireCracker tool to automatically populate all your CirecleCi results into PractiTest. When configuring the integration you will be able to determine the fields’ names, mapping, and more.

Integration Configuration:

The integration configuration will be applied in CirclCI using the PractiTest FireCracker Orb as explained here In CircleCI, go to your .circleci/config.yml file and define the below items:

  1. At the top of your yml, define the version as 2.1 like this: version: 2.1
  2. Below the version, include the FireCracker orbs: orbs:
         firecracker: practitest/firecracker@1.0.0
  3. Under Steps, and before the step that runs the tests, insert the parameters below (If you don't run your circleci as a machine user). This is to make sure that if a test fails, CircleCI will still execute FireCracker and upload the results to PractiTest: - setup_remote_docker:
         version: 19.03.13
  4. Add PractiTest and FireCracker parameters to define the basic integration: - firecracker/fire:
         api_token: PRACTITEST_API_TOKEN
         author_id: PRACTITEST_AUTHOR_ID
         email: YOU_EMAIL_ADRESS
         project_id: PRACTITEST_PROJECT_ID
         test_folder: Use same parameters as used in store_test_results parameter
  5. You can add more parameters to customize the integration and define it better. All available options can be found in the CircleCI documentation, or here:
         default: |
         description: add here test fields mapping
         type: string
         default: |
         description: add here testset field mapping
         type: string
         default: FIRE_API_TOKEN
         description: your PAT (personal api token) or your account's api token in PractiTest
         type: env_var_name
         description: in case you use eu server of practitest you will need to change it into
         type: string
         description: user id who will run firecracker (should depend on api toekn that you use)
         type: integer
         description: email of the user that will run firecracker
         type: string
         default: ""
         description: in case you want to add extra params to json configuration
         type: string
         description: firecracker version to use
         type: string
         default: ""
         description: firecracker json_extra_params
         type: string
         default: false
         description: decide if firecracker will create multiple testset or single testset
         type: boolean
         description: project id that firecracker will direct the results to
         type: integer
         default: true
         description: decide if firecracker will use test-case as practitest steps or tests; true will group testcases into one test and each testcase will be a step
         type: boolean
         description: folder that contains test results
         type: string
         default: FirecrackerTestSet
         description: in case of single testset creation choose the name for this testset name
         type: string

Now you can save and run your CircleCI project as usual. All your runs’ fields, status, and results will be populated in PractiTest automatically as you defined in the parameters above.